Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Dorshei Derekh Core Values

Our minyan has been continuing evolving over these past 35 years.
Shkoy'ach - kudos - to Rabbi Tamara Cohen for composing a contemporary statement of what matters to us and who we are now:

Ñ Core Dorshei Derekh ValuesÐ

·         Lay leadership

·         Vibrant participatory services

·         Critical and creative engagement with Torah and liturgy

·         Theological diversity

·         Mutual aid/caring for one another

·         Feminist innovation

·         LGBTQ inclusion

·         Anti-racist learning and practice

·         Intergenerational community

·         Inclusion of those who have been historically marginalized in Jewish communities.

Sunday, August 29, 2021

Rosh Hashanah 5782/ COVID 2


This beautiful art is the work of Dominique Butler, an African American artist in Baltimore. She is an active member of Hinenu: The Baltimore Jewish Justice Shtiebel. We were pleased to compensate Butler for our specific reuse of her beautiful image.We were introduced to her work through The Radical Jewish Calendar, which featured Butler's work last year.

"Dominique Butler is a painter who primarily works in gouache and oil. She grew up in a small farm town in northern Vermont and currently resides in Baltimore, Maryland. She received her Bachelor’s of Art in Drawing, Painting, and Art History from Drew University in 2017. 

Her recent work revolves around viewing nature through the eyes of a person of color. Her paintings are captured images of the environment that are often overlooked. These pieces touch upon the distinct disconnection between black bodies and the great outdoors; prompting the viewer to question why nature, outdoor recreation, and environmentalism are white dominated."