Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Sunday Sundaes to Celebrate Neysa!

Who among us does not like ice cream?
We wanted to honor our listserve manager Neysa Nevins for her quiet, efficient work keeping track of the Dorshei e-mail list. We proposed a kiddush in her honor, but she counter-proposed an ICE CREAM PARTY!
(If you'd like to join our listerv, email Neysa).
So, announcing the very first Dorshei Derekh end-of-summer ICE CREAM PARTY in honor of Neysa Nevins.

TIME: 4 P.M. UNTIL ???
WHERE: TROLLEY CAR DINER (the "ice cream trolley" -- outside!)
INSTRUCTIONS: Show up, have a good time, eat ice cream*

(*This is a "buy-your-own" ice cream party. So you can show up whenever you want, buy your own ice cream, and look around for your friends.)

In order to add to the festive environment, please dress outrageously and have as much fun as possible* to celebrate the end of summer and to celebrate Neysa's work.

(*within reason)



Your Dorshei Derekh leadership team (tm)

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