Monday, September 26, 2011

High Holidays at Dorshei Derekh 5722 - Join us in the Temin Canteen Room

400 West Ellet Street, Philadelphia, PA 19119
High Holiday Season 5772 at Dorshei Derekh
Dorshei Derekh is a Reconstructionist minyan affiliated with Germantown Jewish Centre. We invite you to participate with us in observing this holiday season. Our minyan is home to people of many different backgrounds, reflecting the rich diversity of Northwest Philadelphia and beyond. We practice a joyous, participatory, egalitarian style of davening. During High Holidays, we use the Kol Haneshamah Mahzor; please bring your own if you have one or consider buying one at the GJC office.

You are welcome to join us for as many of these events you would like to attend.

Erev Rosh Hashanah Services
Wednesday September 28
7:00 pm in the Charry Sanctuary – Entire GJC Community

Rosh Hashanah Services
1st day, Thursday September 29
2nd day, Friday September 30
9:30 am in the Canteen Room
Kiddush to follow 1st day Rosh Hashanah services
Light Kiddush to follow 2nd day Rosh Hashanah and
Pot luck lunch at the home of
George and Debbie Stern
Bring a Vegetarian/Dairy dish to share
Kol Nidre
Friday October 7
5:30 pm in the Canteen Room

Yom Kippur
Saturday October 8
9:30 am in the Canteen Room
Afternoon Yom Kippur & Neilah
5:00 pm in the Canteen Room

Break the Fast
at the home of Phill Goldberg
Bring a Vegetarian/Dairy dish to share

Sukkot, Thursday, October 13 at 10:00 am in the Maslow
Join with the GJC Community for Kiddush in the Sukkah
Erev Simchat Torah:
Wednesday October 19
LIVE MUSIC by members of our community,
led by Mikael Elsila.
Joining with Mishkan Shalom at TBA
4101 Freeland Ave, Philadelphia
Shemini Atzeret/Simchat Torah
Thursday October 20
10:00 am in Maslow Auditorium

For more information, please contact Adina Abramowitz at or 215-247-1544

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